
Connectional Table

PurposeThe purpose of the Connectional Table is to discern and articulate the vision for the church and the stewardship of the mission, ministries, and resources of The United Methodist Church as determined by General Conference and in consultation with the Council of Bishops.

The 2004 General Conference made clear that “the Connectional Table is to be motivated by faithfulness to the mission of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ; global in scope and holistic in understanding; inclusive in nature and collaborative in style; and while being efficient in the stewardship of resources, be transparent, accessible, and accountable in all relationships.”

The structure and organization of the Connectional Table reflects the desire to make sure that all voices are represented around the table and are heard in the conversation about the mission and ministry of the Church. Jurisdictional and central conferences elect members to serve on the Connectional Table. The Council of Bishops both leads and collaborates with the Connectional Table. The agencies of the Church also have representation in the CT, participating with voice (general secretaries) and vote (agency presidents). Representation from each of the ethnic caucuses and from The Division on Ministries with Young People make sure their unique interests and perspectives are heard and inform the work. Learn More